Interested in working for Triangle H? Download our application here
and fax it back to us at: 620-276-4135, or e-mail it to us.
and fax it back to us at: 620-276-4135, or e-mail it to us.
Being experienced and mechanically inclined to operate and repair farm machinery, irrigation motors and sprinklers is a plus but will train the right individual. Non-smoking environment. Please email resume & references to [email protected] or call 620-276-4004 and ask for Tyler. INTERNSHIPSInternships are available for the Fall and Spring semesters. For more information contact Marisa Kleysteuber by phone at 620-272-7652 or email at [email protected].
Currently accepting applications for the following programs. Please e-mail resume & references to [email protected] or call 620-640-8487 for Sam Hands or 620-272-7652 for Marisa Kleysteuber. PASTURE PROGRAM Calving of cow/calf pairs, etc., heifer development, weaning of calves. A.I. program and processing. May - September on irrigated grass with rotational grazing. October - April on crop residue fields and some wheat pasture. Requires the building of electric fence, hauling water, feeding hay, and moving cattle. COW/CALF POSITION HEIFER DEVELOPMENT POSITION FEEDLOT PROGRAM
Includes feeding with feed truck and mixing rations, checking on the health of cattle, processing, sorting, shipping, servicing equipment, cleaning tanks and pens and general maintenance. FEEDLOT POSITION |